Title : My perfect holiday
Date : 17/30/17
Name : Eden
Intro :
In the holidays, I would wish to go to hamilton to spend a week with my aunt, uncle and a few of my cousins, then spend another week with my family and my brother.
Body :
In 4 weeks time it will be the holidays and once it starts i will be packing my bags to go to hamilton to live with my cousins for a week . In that week with my cousins i hope to go to the beach or pool because of how hot the weather is, Then on Tuesday i would love to go to the warehouse and see all the fascinating things because it's in hamilton and the warehouse is huge. After one week at my aunt and uncle's house I want to go back and play around with my brother and take him for a walk or a ride around glen innes and grab some food to relax my mum, and dad. In my mom's pay day I wish she gets some money so we can all go for a walk around the park.
Conclusion :
And that is what I wish for in my perfect holiday.