
Friday, 16 August 2019

Khan academy

Khan academy was the 3rd assignment that I had to do to improve my future :D
It wasn't so hard, miss did not assign me any work to do so I just did courses that khan academy provides for free. It was fun and I finished the unit test YAY.
If you would like to try, your teacher could make accounts for all of you.

Mental math fail ;-;

Awww it seems that mental math activity failed ;-;
hopefully it'll be up for next week.

10 seconds of math (aka mental math)

Today at 9:30 I played a game called 10 seconds of math. It's one of our ways to test our math knowledge. We get ten seconds to answer questions designed from what you choose to do.
Its also a fun way to waste time with math.
If you want to test your brain with this site click all the 6 cubes and move the number limit to 1000. Its sure enough to test everyone's mind.


Thursday, 8 August 2019

Khan Academy

Today I did a khan academy. Khan academy is a learning site where your teacher gives you tasks to do. I found it really easy and fast to move from task to task. Sometimes you have to watch videos but other than that the site is really simple.
