
Monday 1 May 2017

The biggest catch

Name: Eden
Date:Thursday 01/03/2017
TItle:The Biggest Catch

Carlo and Kylie were siblings and decided to ride their bikes and skateboard to the park  but then saw a school bully pumpkin, and things didn't go good after that.

Body : “Wait up Carlo” kylie shouted as she started to speed up to carlo and told him to slow down next time but didn't hear and went for a ride around the egg.half an our past, as he saw Kylie coming he thought he could do a final trick around the egg so he went for it but then BANG he flew off his skateboard because of a small rock, “ Haha guys look and superman” yield pumpkin everyone crowded and laugh at how he fell but then Kylie came and asked her big brother for ice cream and pumpkin and the crowd laughed even louder but then Kylie stood up for her brother and said, “ What you laughing at pumpkin head” the crowd gasped and walked away but pumpkin was angry as could be and stomped in anger but then Carlo came in the middle of it and said “stop fight she's younger than you” then pumpkin chuckled he was going to say that she was but thought that would make it worst. “ I CHALLENGE YOU TO A FISHING CHALLENGE!” shouted kylie “ oh on kylie isn't  great fisher she got fooled by dad she will never win” so he thought and the all had one week to practice so Carlo went to his best friend carl for his best friend and he said he would find an idea to stop pumpkin from winning. After a week it came to be that carl was the judge but pumpkin was confused why do we need a judge? No questions it's the biggest catch and it will start in an hour so everyone scrambled to get there fishing rod. An hour past and pumpkin  got a flat fish and Kylie got a small fish so she used that new fish and threw it in but a seagull close by snared it and the had caught it and carl and carlo rushed to set it free. It was time for the Judge to pick and he picked Kylie because it was to catch the biggest not to catch the biggest fish.

The end


Marina Ngakiau said...

Hi eden loved your story loved the creativity. You have so many brilliant ideas that they all can't fit on the page. Try to focus on the main aspect of your story. Otherwise job well done

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