
Wednesday 9 January 2019

Day 1 week 3 = you are my sunshine = Activity 2 SLJ

On your blog, list five different things that we can do to protect ourselves from the sun this summer!

Use sunscreen
Always use a hat when going outside
Stay inside with a fan
Drink a lot of cold water
Wear specific clothing (shorts and a T shirt)

Another way to cool down is chilling in cold water, you can chill inside and outside.


Izzy SLJ said...

Hi Eden

Thanks for listing such great ways to stay sun smart. I love the tip of making sure you stay well hydrated by drinking lots of water. It is easy to forget to do so when you are out and about.

Cooling down by having a swim is a great idea. We still need to be sun smart when we are in the water. What can we do to make sure we don't get burnt when we are swimming?

Ngā mihi,

Unknown said...

Hi izzy,

Thank you alot for your comment!

and for your question, its to wear sunscreen.Check if its waterproof and always look at the hours that the sunscreen lasts. Also wear a rash suit, a lighter version of a wetsuit. It covers your shoulders and back which is the main places you get burnt.
I hope this infomation helps.

Have a great day

Izzy SLJ said...

Hey Eden

These are really helpful tips. Thank you so much. I hadn't thought about wearing a rash shirt but I think I'll look for one to wear this weekend.

Have a great week.

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