
Saturday 5 January 2019

Day 5 week 2 = black drain = activity 2 SLJ

On your blog, tell us:
1) The names of the rivers. 2) The location of the rivers. 3) What is being done to clean up the rivers (if anything).

wairua river
Kaipara harbour
Using different solutions ( Using different types of liquids ) to increase sediment and improving the ecosystem.

Kaipatiki river
Auckland city
local communities are planting the banks and cleaning the area


Ellee said...

Hi Eden!

Great work naming and locating two polluted rivers in New Zealand!

It is a real shame that our rivers are not being taken care of the way they should be, I believe we shouldn't have any polluted rivers due to human activity - I am really happy to hear that people are taking action though!

I used to like riding my bike down to the local river with my brother and dog in the summertime - we would spend the whole afternoon swimming and getting into mischief!
Do you spend lots of time at your local river swimming during the summer?

Nga mihi,
Ellee :)

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