
Monday 31 December 2018

Day 5 week 1 = going going gone = activity 3 SLJ

On your blog, post a description of life in New Zealand in 2018. Please remember that the people who read your post will have never been to New Zealand or even seen a picture so it is your job to ‘paint a picture’ of New Zealand using your words. You can also post pictures, if you wish. Be sure to fully attribute the pictures.

Water rushing onto the shore of a beautiful texturistic beach, with such lovely eye sight among the multi colored ocean. Relaxing with no care in the world, don't you want this? a moment to enjoy the day without being worrisome? Well in new zealand we care about nature safety and human satisfaction.Sure other countries have so many good things, but are getting rid of the thing we need the most. Oxygen that comes from trees. We also don't hold anything dangerous like a venomous snake or red back spiders. ( we have spiders but not many species ) acknowledging that we don't have anacondas mean's you can have a perfect scenery at the beach or hike to see the marvelous view. The sun begins to settle and gives out the hot color setting that is incredibly fascinating, plus seeing the silhouette of the land is just breathtaking. Other than the view of the ocean or the sight of the mesmerizing sunset, we also have attractions. Like our astonishing glen innes center with painted walls or the extraordinary sight from above in the sky tower. It's just the perfect area to have a relaxing and calm holiday.


Ellee said...

Hi Eden!

My name is Ellee I am another commentor on the Summer Learning Journey team!
I hope you have had an awesome school holidays? :)

This is a fantastic description of New Zealand!
I love the adjective you have used in places like : "the hot colour setting that is incredibly fascinating" and "Water rushing onto the shore of a beautiful texturistic beach"

Phew, I am glad there are no snakes in New Zealand, I say leave them in Australia - I do not like them one bit!
I once worked in America and on my ride home one night a snake slithered out in front of me on the road. I got such a fright I almost fell off my bike...I don't think I have ever ridden as fast as I did that day to get away from that snake. :)
Do you like snakes?

Great job Eden!

Nga mihi,
Ellee :)

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